Market Economy vs. Traditional Economy: What's the Difference?

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Два вида экономики - это традиционная экономика и рыночная экономика. Традиционная экономика существует в обществах, где нет торговли. В этой экономике у людей нет денег, потому что они им не нужны. Рыночная экономика существует в обществах, где люди покупают и продают товары. В рыночной экономике людям нужны деньги, чтобы они могли покупать продукты.
В традиционной экономике люди полагаются на природу. Они охотятся и выращивают только ту пищу, которая им нужна. С одной стороны, это преимущество. У этих людей нет причин сражаться, потому что им ничего не принадлежит. Это значит, что они мирные. С другой стороны, это недостаток. Эти люди бедны. Кроме того, они не могут защитить себя от стихийных бедствий, потому что у них нет технологий. Это означает, что они часто умирают от голода и болезней.
В рыночной экономике спрос и предложение контролируют то, что продается. Это является преимуществом, потому что производители должны предоставлять клиентам качество и цены, которые они хотят. Однако производителям нужен стимул, а это прибыль. Во-первых, производители конкурируют друг с другом, чтобы продать свой продукт и получить прибыль. Во-вторых, производители используют технологии, чтобы тратить меньше на рабочую силу. Это может быть недостатком, потому что, если люди не работают, у них нет денег, чтобы тратить на товары. Следовательно, производитель не может получать прибыль.
На мой взгляд, лучшей системой является рыночная экономика. К сожалению, поскольку стимулом является прибыль, правительства устанавливают ограничения для контроля над экономикой. Это означает, что настоящая рыночная экономика не может существовать.


  1. Two types of Economics are traditional economy and a market economy. Traditional economies exist in societies where there is no trade. In this economy, people don't have money because they don't need it. A market economy exists in societies where people buy and sell goods. In a market economy, people need money so they can buy products.
    In a traditional economy, people rely on nature. They hunt and grow only the food they need. On the one hand, it is an advantage. These people have no reason to fight because nothing belongs to them. That means they're peaceful. On the other hand, it is a disadvantage. These people are poor. Also, they can't protect themselves from natural disasters because they don't have the technology. This means that they often die of hunger and disease.
    In a market economy, supply and demand control what is sold. This is an advantage because manufacturers have to provide customers with the quality and prices they want. However, manufacturers need an incentive, and this is a profit. First, manufacturers compete with each other to sell their product and make a profit. Second, manufacturers are using technology to spend less on labor. This can be a disadvantage because if people don't work, they don't have money to spend on goods. Therefore, the manufacturer can not make a profit.
    In my opinion, the best system is the market economy. Unfortunately, because the incentive is profit, governments set limits to control the economy. This means that a real market economy cannot exist.
    Магомедова Диана

  2. Two types of Economics are traditional economy and a market economy. Traditional economies exist in societies where there is no trade. In this economy, people don't have money because they don't need it. A market economy exists in societies where people buy and sell goods. In a market economy, people need money so they can buy products.
    In a traditional economy, people rely on nature. They hunt and grow only the food they need. On the one hand, it is an advantage. These people have no reason to fight because nothing belongs to them. That means they're peaceful. On the other hand, it is a disadvantage. These people are poor. Also, they can't protect themselves from natural disasters because they don't have the technology. This means that they often die of hunger and disease.
    In a market economy, supply and demand control what is sold. This is an advantage because manufacturers have to provide customers with the quality and prices they want. However, manufacturers need an incentive, and this is a profit. First, manufacturers compete with each other to sell their product and make a profit. Second, manufacturers are using technology to spend less on labor. This can be a disadvantage because if people don't work, they don't have money to spend on goods. Therefore, the manufacturer can not make a profit.
    In my opinion, the best system is the market economy. Unfortunately, because the incentive is profit, governments set limits to control the economy. This means that a real market economy cannot exist.
    Таштемирова Салимат

  3. Two types of Economics are traditional economy and a market economy. Traditional economies exist in societies where there is no trade. In this economy, people don't have money because they don't need it. A market economy exists in societies where people buy and sell goods. In a market economy, people need money so they can buy products.
    In a traditional economy, people rely on nature. They hunt and grow only the food they need. On the one hand, it is an advantage. These people have no reason to fight because nothing belongs to them. That means they're peaceful. On the other hand, it is a disadvantage. These people are poor. Also, they can't protect themselves from natural disasters because they don't have the technology. This means that they often die of hunger and disease.
    In a market economy, supply and demand control what is sold. This is an advantage because manufacturers have to provide customers with the quality and prices they want. However, manufacturers need an incentive, and this is a profit. First, manufacturers compete with each other to sell their product and make a profit. Second, manufacturers are using technology to spend less on labor. This can be a disadvantage because if people don't work, they don't have money to spend on goods. Therefore, the manufacturer can not make a profit.
    In my opinion, the best system is the market economy. Unfortunately, because the incentive is profit, governments set limits to control the economy. This means that a real market economy cannot exist.
    Махмудова Ханипат

  4. Two types of Economics are traditional economy and a market economy. Traditional economies exist in societies where there is no trade. In this economy, people don't have money because they don't need it. A market economy exists in societies where people buy and sell goods. In a market economy, people need money so they can buy products.
    In a traditional economy, people rely on nature. They hunt and grow only the food they need. On the one hand, it is an advantage. These people have no reason to fight because nothing belongs to them. That means they're peaceful. On the other hand, it is a disadvantage. These people are poor. Also, they can't protect themselves from natural disasters because they don't have the technology. This means that they often die of hunger and disease.
    In a market economy, supply and demand control what is sold. This is an advantage because manufacturers have to provide customers with the quality and prices they want. However, manufacturers need an incentive, and this is a profit. First, manufacturers compete with each other to sell their product and make a profit. Second, manufacturers are using technology to spend less on labor. This can be a disadvantage because if people don't work, they don't have money to spend on goods. Therefore, the manufacturer can not make a profit.
    In my opinion, the best system is the market economy. Unfortunately, because the incentive is profit, governments set limits to control the economy. This means that a real market economy cannot exist.

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