Welfare economics (1)
I. Find the English equivalents in the text "Welfare economics"
экономика благосостояния, очень далекий от, влиять на общество, справедливость (2), распределять богатство среди населения, бороться с несправедливостью, налогообложение, вертикальная экономическая справедливость, заработок, несправедливый, наказывать (штрафовать) прилежных работников, естественная черта, экстерналии (внешние эффекты), вследствие (из-за), потребление, экономические операции.
II. Complete the sentences using the expressions given above. You don't need to use all of them
1 Though many economic laws, formulas, theories and concepts often seem ... ... ... everyday life, economic policies affect the life of society, families and individuals.
2. Welfare economics considers issues of ... or fairness.
3. This will exempt taxpayers with ... of $ 9,000 or less.
4. We live in an era when social media, tweets can ...
5. From the very beginning, the sanctions have been one-sided and ...
6. In our digital age, ... regularly take place electronically, without the exchange of any physical currency.
7. There is gross inequity in the way they ...
8. Consumption of goods has decreased ... inflation.
9. The government tries to realise equity through ...
10. Positive ... lead markets to produce less than is socially desirable.
2. Welfare economics considers issues of ... or fairness.
3. This will exempt taxpayers with ... of $ 9,000 or less.
4. We live in an era when social media, tweets can ...
5. From the very beginning, the sanctions have been one-sided and ...
6. In our digital age, ... regularly take place electronically, without the exchange of any physical currency.
7. There is gross inequity in the way they ...
8. Consumption of goods has decreased ... inflation.
9. The government tries to realise equity through ...
10. Positive ... lead markets to produce less than is socially desirable.
taxation was invented by the state in order to distribute wealth among the population and fight in equity, in order to affect society and create a welfare economy, far removed from unfair and punishment hard workers. (Suleymanova milana)
ОтветитьУдалить1. One of the main goals of government is to fairly distribute wealth among population.
ОтветитьУдалить2. It’s unfair when hard-workers get penalised.
3. It’s hard to imagine how much influencer’s words can affect the society.
4. Inflation has increased due to externalities.
5. The earnings of this family is below average.
(Inusova Ayshat)
1) In 90’s the companies was distributed among the population and oligarchs after the Soviet Union collapse.
ОтветитьУдалить2) Some uncommercial companies, like UNESCO and Greenpeace tries to fight unequity in the world
3) The consumption of meat has decreased in recent decades due to vegetarians
4) Donald Trump was banned in all social networks because his posts and tweets affected the society.
5) That it's almost as far removed from everyday life as, say, nuclear physics.
6) There are two rates of taxation- progressive and regressive
1. Vertical equity is that people with more income will pay more that those with less income
ОтветитьУдалить2. External effects can affect society both positively and negatively
3. The state tries to fight injustice through taxation
4. Companies punish their employees if , for example, they are late or did not come to work
5. A market is a place where economic operations are carried out
Arsanbekova Djennet
ОтветитьУдалить1) In addition, the country was on the rise in business activity, and the growth of prosperity was felt in literally all areas of life.
2) Does a person who is professionally very far from medicine have the right to evaluate a doctor?
3) Power over society is in the hands of the state.
4) The state must skillfully distribute the wealth of the country among the population.
5) to guarantee government programs, new taxation should be introduced.
6) If it is really difficult for a person to get the first serious income, then this, undoubtedly, contributes to his improvement.
7) Economic injustice drove people to political extremes, both left and right.
Гасанова Милана
ОтветитьУдалить1.A walfare economy is necessary to meet the needs of society equally.
2. Sometimes earnings are distributed unjust in society
3. Economic transactions are necessary for the proper functioning of the economy of the government.
4. Entrepreneurs should be penalise for dishonesty and injustice
5. To have needs, to make purchases - this is a natural feature of a person.
1. Government applies a taxation system to maintain equity in society.
ОтветитьУдалить2.Taxation can have both vertical equity and horizontal equity.
3.Externalities always indirectly affect society.
4.Consumption becomes possible as a result of earning income or spending savings.
5. The importance of international economic transactions and their impact on the development of the national economy is growing rapidly in the current conditions of globalization.
(Maloguseinova Z.)