Writing a story

 Как написать рассказ.

Чтобы написать рассказ, нужно составить план:
Introduction (Введение). Обозначить сюжет (кто, когда, где, что произошло), заинтересовав читателя. Setting the scene.
Main body (Основная часть), в которой развивается сюжет  ( описываются главные события с героями). Developing the plot (story)
Conclusion (Заключение) развязка истории, где описываются чувства героев. Неожиданная концовка оставляет неизгладимое впечатление на читателя. Ending the story
Story analysis
Where did the story take place?  (вопрос для введения)
Who were the main characters? (вопрос для введения)
What was the weather like? (вопрос для введения)
What verbs describe the actions happened in the story? (вопрос для основной части – динамика – развитие событий)
What happened in the end (verbs)? (вопрос для заключения)
What did the characters feel (verbs or adjectives)? ( вопрос для заключения)
Как оживить рассказ?
Как правило, любую историю можно оживить при помощи прилагательных и наречий.
Используйте  сложные прилагательные и наречия, например, fabulous (сказочный), wonderful, cautiously (осторожно) и др. вместо простых, например, good, nice, happy, bad, big, well и т д. чтобы приправить свою историю. 
Чтобы выразить чувства героев нужно использовать разнообразные прилагательные, описывающие душевное состояние: scared, exhausted, anxious, angry, thrilled, sure, miserable  и т.д.
Чтобы избежать повторного употребления таких глаголов, как told и said и сделать эмоциональной вашу историю, используйте следующие глаголы: thought, screamed, begged, wondered, replied, exclaimed, cried,  whispered, cried out.
Чтобы связать события друг с другом или соединить два простых предложения в одно сложное, используйте следующие союзы / союзные слова:
Для сочинительной связи: and then, and, too, also. Для объединения противоположных идей: but, however (однако).  Для сообщения причины или следствия: because, so (таким образом).  Для выражения последовательности во времени: after, before, when, until (до тех пор), then, after a while (спустя немного времени), eventually (в конце концов), finally( наконец), immediately (тотчас, сразу), meanwhile (между тем).


  1. 1. My partner and I attempted to open our own business.
    2. we expected an unprecedented success.
    3.we have allocated a stretch of time for collecting information
    4. we spared no effort on this
    5. The time before the store opened stretched and stretched
    6. And finally, having concluded a contract with the owner of the stretch having placed signatures, we officially opened a car shop
    7.Here we began to succeed in contrast to our competitors
    8. Customarily, people were drawn to the store about which there were more positive reviews
    9. During the year, we have achieved good success
    10. Our store flourished
    11. But one day, we declined two buyers with a request for a debt for a large product of spare parts
    12.On one of the customary days, we opened properly in the morning and by the middle of the day, robbers with weapons broke in
    13. They shelled the whole store, the goods were destroyed And we had to give everything we had in the store, all the money
    14. As it turned out later, it was the plan of 2 buyers who received a decline from us
    15. The criminals were caught after 2 years, and we recovered after half a year and expanded a year later.

  2. 6. And finally, having concluded a contract with the owner of the stretch of land and having placed our signatures, we officially opened a car shop
    11. But one day, we declined a request from two customers for delayed payment for large quantities of spare parts .

  3. 14. As it turned out later, it was the plan of 2 buyers whose request was declined by us

  4. 1. My partner and I attempted to open our own business.
    2. we expected an unprecedented success.
    3.we have allocated a stretch of time for collecting information
    4. we spared no effort on this
    5. The time before the store opened stretched and stretched
    6. And finally, having concluded a contract with the owner of the stretch having placed signatures, we officially opened a car shop
    7.Here we began to succeed in contrast to our competitors
    8. Customarily, people were drawn to the store about which there were more positive reviews
    9. During the year, we have achieved good success
    10. Our store flourished
    11. But one day, we declined two buyers with a request for a debt for a large product of spare parts
    12.On one of the customary days, we opened properly in the morning and by the middle of the day, robbers with weapons broke in
    13. They shelled the whole store, the goods were destroyed And we had to give everything we had in the store, all the money
    14. As it turned out later, it was the plan of 2 buyers who received a decline from us
    15. The criminals were caught after 2 years, and we recovered after half a year and expanded a year later.


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